

ISO 9001

We are certified since 2000 and proceeded to transition from SGQ to the NP ISO9001 in 2003.
With this framework, we intend to continuously improve processes and satisfaction of our customers, in practice, the performance of these processes directly linked to meeting customer requirements, is revised and improved based on the performance indicators and the results of Internal Audits and Process Management Plans.

Integrated Management System

The Policy Management is assumed as the base structure of the entire Integrated Management System of SANISSIMO, Ltd.
The framework in SGI is the element of effective support for defining the objectives of SGI following the requirements of the reference standards. It is a reference for all employees and intends with it the involvement of everyone in continuous improvement. The Policy Management is periodically reviewed and if necessary amended to adapt and adjust to the actions taken following the review of the SGI.
It is widespread at all levels of SANISSIMO, posted on panels and ensures that management is clearly explained and understood by all employees through a training that is presented. The policy is available to the general public through the SANÍSSIMO site.